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Workers' compensation is a state-mandated insurance system which provides money to employees who suffer on the job injuries and illnesses. If you sustain an injury while on the job, you have numerous rights designed to protect you medically and financially.  Each state has its own laws and rules governing its workers' compensation program. The State of New Jersey created a system that provides people who sustain work related injuries to collect specific statutory benefits. These benefits include full payment for all work related injury medical bills, temporary disability payments while the worker is unable to return to their job, and compensation in the form of a monetary award that is set by statute based on the percentage is disability caused by the work related injury 
In general, an employee with a work-related illness or injury can get money from workers’ compensation regardless of who was at fault -- the employee or the employer. In exchange for these guaranteed benefits, employees usually lose the right to sue the employer in court for damages for those injuries. 
The system is complicated and requires the legal expertise of an experienced attorney trained to fight for your legal rights. As an injured worker, you immediately face multiple issues which can be confusing, difficult and time consuming. The Law Offices of Kovic & Rutigliano, L.L.P. can help you with you workers' compensation claim and make sure you get all the benefits and money you are entitled to. 




210 River Street, Suite 12, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Phone: (201) 850-1100  Fax: (201) 850-1101  Email:

K&R represented an employee with a serious job related back injury. The employer's physician discharged the employee after some massage therapy. K&R appealed the matter and had the employee transferred to a different physician. That physician found serious spinal injuries requiring two surgeries and the implanting of a metal rod in the employee's spine. The matter was soon after settled for a very substantial sum.